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Información sobre Matemática para la familia About FAMILY MATHFAMILY MATH believes that all children can learn and enjoy mathematics. Parents and other family members are their children's first and most influential teachers. Yet many parents report that they do not know how to support their children’s mathematical learning. FAMILY MATH focuses entirely on families learning mathematics together. In FAMILY MATH, mathematics becomes a challenging and engaging learning experience for everyone. Its math topics connect to the school curriculum, including algebra, probability, statistics, estimation, logic, geometry, and measurement. FAMILY MATH focuses on developing problem-solving skills and building a conceptual understanding of mathematics with hands-on materials. These materials are often found in the home. FAMILY MATH supports parent involvement. FAMILY MATH books and classes offer practical ideas on:
To talk with someone about the FAMILY MATH Program, please call call 510-642-1823 You can also contact FAMILY MATH Director, Karen Mayfield-Ingram, at 510-642-9082 or by email at mayfield@berkeley.edu.
FAMILY MATH Classes in the CommunityFAMILY MATH Class Leader Workshops prepare educators, parents, and community members to lead classes for families. A good mathematics background is helpful but not essential. Anyone who is enthusiastic, kind, and committed can become a FAMILY MATH class leader by attending a two-day workshop. These are given at the Lawrence Hall of Science or at your site. You will leave this workshop as an inspired FAMILY MATH class leader. FAMILY MATH Staff Development Workshops enable experienced Class
Leaders to prepare others to lead classes for families. Workshop presenters
need a good quality background in mathematics. |
Lawrence Hall of Science © 2024 The Regents of the University of California Contact EQUALS Updated October 31, 2012 |